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Rhetorical functions in academic writing: Presenting findings from interviews


In all kinds of primary research, empirical data is used to support your arguments and claims. In quantitative research this evidence is usually number-based statistics. Although numbers can also be used in qualitative research, the main form of evidence involves extracts from narrative accounts (interviews, focus groups, ...) of either the respondents or the researcher (field notes, memos, ...) (Johnson and Christensen, 2004, p. 539).

If your data is mainly qualitative, it is important to include quotations from this data in your text. This will give your text authenticity, and will enable your reader to share the world you are analysing. However, it is important that any illustrations or quotations you use are relevant to your study (Collis & Hussey, 2003, p. 300).

It is also important to keep a balance between your own interpretation and the supporting evidence in the form of quotations from participants or notes. Good qualitative reports display a smoothly flowing, natural rhythm of text and quotes - too many quotes dampen the researcher’s voice and make his/her argument difficult to follow, whereas too few quotes may provide insufficient support (Morrow, 2005).

Transcribing and Editing Quoted Material

Record exactly what is said, by whom, plus some indication of tone, pauses, body language, etc, if necessary. Remember that one hour of recording can take 6-10 hours of transcription time.


Saunders & Lewis ( 2012, p. 188) suggest the following:


If necessary, you can edit the quotations. However, you need to make sure that you do not distort or misrepresent the meaning. There are also certain conventions that you need to follow (Richards & Morse, 2007, pp. 208-209):

You may also edit minor linguistic inaccuracies to facilitate reading, but if you decide to do so, you should note this clearly at the first occurrence or in the method section (Dornyei, 2007, p. 297).

Be Careful!

Transcription: I think unless we want to become like other countries, where people have, you know, democratic freedom.

Actual Words: I think unless we want to become like other countries, where people have no democratic freedom.

(Brymon & Bell, 2007, p. 493)


Ethics codes prohibit researchers from disclosing personally identifying information about participants. Therefore, you should:

Quote participants without distinguishing them at all, for example:

Indeed, a comment by one of our managers illustrates some of these complex issues: [quote follows without other attribution].


Identify participants by demographic or other data:

At my age I think we know who we are and what we are. (Female participant, 69 years of age).


Identify participants with letters (Participant A, Manager B), pseudonyms (Peter, Jenny), or by role (Doctor, Patient, Customer).

Including Interviews in your Report

First you need to transcribe your interviews.

Then you can add the transcribed interviews to the appendix. This will demonstrate that the interviews have actually taken place.

You should refer to the appendix when necessary:

The full transcript of this interview is included in Appendix 3 (on page 32).

The quotations are used to illustrate your research findings, and they need an introduction from you which tells your reader how they illustrate that finding. So you need to:

There are two main ways of presenting data to illustrate your analysis.

  1. The first is to present your interpretation of findings and then follow with a quotation to illustrate your description. This gives the reader the information to judge whether or not your interpretation represents the data.
  2. Alternatively, you may present a quotation followed by your interpretation. This may show your ability to analyse in fine detail, but it could miss the overall picture.
  3. Or, of course, a mixture of the two.

Quote explictly from your transcript to justify your choices:

Interviewee #3 stated that. "...the quality of education is enhanced by..." This was confirmed by respondents 11, 14 and 7 others.

This point has been confirmed by 75% of the interviews with 15 percent not venturing an opinion while 10% believed it is rather due to a stimulating curriculum.

Although you don’t need to include all your primary data, you should make it available in an appendix, to which you should refer when necessary. For example:

Details of all the interview participants can be found in Appendix A, with transcripts of each interview in Appendix B.


Put here any data that was too extensive to incorporate earlier. In the text, for example, you might have included the tables / graphs that give the results of your analyses. In the appendices, you can give the raw data/transcripts to enable the reader to make their own analysis; plus lengthy transcripts of interviews or texts, questionnaires, interview guides, texts, ethocs forms, and so on.

Reporting Interview Data

Always attempt to contextualise quotations (Where did she say this? Who else was present? What question was she answering? What did she say before this? How does it relate to your overall argument?).

Make sure there is a good balance between your participants' quotations and your interpretation of the words.

An overemphasis on the researcher's interpretations at the cost of participant quotes will leave the reader in doubt as to just where the interpretations came from; an excess of quotes will cause the reader to become lost in the morass of stories (Morrow, 2005, p. 256).

Paraphrase or summarise

When you have added the interviews to the appendix, you can then paraphrase or summarise them in your report. Paraphrase is done as follows:


According to interviewee X (Appendix 1), the …

It became clear from an interview with Y that … (Appendix 1).

Quoting from interviews

If you literally copy the words of the interviewee, then you need to quote. Finding interesting quotes is easier if you know how to get usable information out of the person during the interview. That’s why you should conduct the interviews in a professional manner.

According to X (Personal communication, December 24, 2012) …

The following format is useful:

1. Short quotations in the text should be indicated by quotation marks.

2. Long quotes are set in an indented paragraph, or block quotes. (40 words is a common cut-off point for ‘long’ quotes.)

3. There are no quotation marks around block quotes.

4. Block quotes may start with the continuation of a sentence from the text:

A customer in his fifties said that

since the budget, life has become more difficult. …

5 .If the quote completes the sentence that introduces it, as in the example above, there is no colon. If the quote follows a complete sentence, a colon can be used to show that the quote is an illustration of that sentence.

One man claimed that ‘life is much harder now’.

One man made the claim: ‘life is much harder now.’

6. Square brackets - [..] - show the author’s editing of the quote, e.g. from ‘My company went into liquidation five years ago  to ‘My company went into liquidation [in France] five years ago’.

7. Ellipses in square brackets […] can indicate omissions; ellipses without brackets indicate hesitation or unfinished sentences. It is important, however, to distinguish between the author’s selective omissions and the interviewee’s speech.

8 .More specific conventions for showing pauses, tone of voice, etc. exist, but are not commonly used in general writing.

9. Indicate who is speaking in the quotation, either introducing the speaker before the quote by saying something like 'As John put it,' or 'Anne explained her reasons for this:', or attribute the quote to the interviewee immediately afterwards, for example by writing their pseudonym or [Interviewee 1] in square brackets.

APA Style

Quotations From Research Participants

Quotations from participants whom you interviewed as part of your research are treated differently than quotations from published works. When quoting research participants, use the same formatting as for other quotations: Present a quotation of fewer than 40 words in quotation marks within the text ..., and present a quotation of 40 words or more in a block quotation .... Because quotations from research participants are part of your original research, do not include them in the reference list or treat them as personal communications; state in the text that the quotations are from participants. When quoting research participants, abide by the ethical agreements regarding confidentiality and/or anonymity between you and your participants. Take extra care to obtain and respect participants' consent to have their information included in your report. You may need to assign participants a pseudonym, obscure identifying information, or present information in the aggregate ....

Participant" Julia," a 32-year-old woman from California, described her experiences as a new mother as "simultaneously the best and hardest time of my life." Several other participants agreed, describing the beginning of parenthood as "joyful," "lonely," and "intense." Julia and the other participants completed interviews in their homes.

American Psychological Association (2020, p. 278)


Interpretation followed by quotation

The British, like the Germans, tended to see themselves as embodying a set of virtues, which the Poles might be encouraged to imitate. The British, however, were uniform in interpreting Polish shortcomings as a result of
the previous system of central planning. For example:

But that’s the characteristics of all the former COMECON economies, whenever there is much tougher competition they say that’s too difficult (H2_UK).

[...]We were late, we thought we were looking at a ready made facility, but it was lacking in international safety standards, it was run in the old communist way (H4_UK).

The British perceived the Poles to be in a process of rapid mental transformation, as the shadows of central planning disappeared.

[...] [Poles] are moving from ‘write me a rule’ people, from one type of society to another (K1_UK).

(Chapman, M., Gajewska-De Mattos, H., Clegg, J. & Buckley, P. J. (2008). Close neighbours and distant friends: Perceptions of cultural distance. International Business Review, 17, 217–234)

Campbell (1997) refers to an angle as a "perspective that dominates a story". In our study, research and writing was reported as always being guided by an angle. It was described as a "thrust" or "driving force" of an assignment - the new "twist" or "hook" that directs the story. An angle was also described as a proposition or statement. In the following extract one journalist relates this idea to the tragic events of the 11 September.

To start off with, there was the straight reporting of facts: a plane has hit the World Trade Center, then a second plane has hit the WTC ... The default angle is "what has happened" ... (QC).

Most notably though, an angle was often presented as a hypothesis or conjecture about something suspected of being the case, and this is one sense in which it can be understood as motivating subsequent information seeking. QC continued:

But this soon develops, the new "angle" comes into play. I remember on the day that by the time of the second plane, I and others were saying "This must be an act of terrorism, bemuse this is not coincidental, an accident ...". So had I been writing the story, I would have begun building up information to support my hypothesis that the acts of September 11 were terrorism. The standard journalistic questions of who, what, why, when, how would have been asked about the events against the backdrop of my hypothesis of terrorism.

And he summarises:

Essentially there is an angle to all news and features; it is really a working hypothesis that translates the gathered facts, which may include some speculation, into a coherent account (QC).

(Attfield, S. & Dowell, J. (2003). Information seeking and use by newspaper journalists. Journal of Documentation, 59(2), 87-204.)

Interestingly, above CJ indicated that originality checking is only one reason for this initial search. In many of the accounts of search activity, interviewees described pursuing multiple concurrent information goals. In the following, MG describes extending this initial search motivated by the goal of developing a better personal understanding of an issue:

Obviously the main interest is whether it has been in a British newspaper ... but I like to know whether it has been in the LA Times and the cutting might well tell you something useful anyway ... it might give you background on the stories ... things in the background that are not apparent to you when you are looking at the thing to write a story ...

And in the following extract, DI describes integrating originality checking with the gathering of potential content that she might later include in her copy[1]:

... the first thing you do is go into your database ... to find out if a similar story's been written before ... and erm ... just to see maybe if another story's touched on it in the past, say, that you can pull out bits from that and add it to your story.

In the model we present below, we show that alongside the goal of originality checking, the goals of constructing a personal understanding and generating potential content are active during the preparation phase of the assignment.

(Attfield, S. & Dowell, J. (2003). Information seeking and use by newspaper journalists. Journal of Documentation, 59(2), 87-204.)

The British respondents, by contrast, sought explanation of their Polish counterparts in the legacy of communism. Here is a British manager on the centralised nature of older Polish organisational structures:

In our company in Warsaw, where everyone has e-mail, fax, it’s very easy to communicate with everyone from the senior management to the shop floor. In the old state owned company there was only one fax in the office of the managing director, and everything had to go through him. We were trying to show that if it works well in 'Company I–Poland’ it could also work there [in Poznan] (I1_UK).

Chapman, M., Gajewska-De Mattos, H., Clegg, J. & Buckley, P. J. (2008). Close neighbours and distant friends: Perceptions of cultural distance. International Business Review, 17, 217–234.

Developing personal understanding

In our study, interviewees emphasised the importance of developing their personal understanding of an issue to support further information seeking and also to provide their readers with an informed interpretation of events. A science correspondent described the importance of background research in preparation for an interview:

I certainly wouldn't like to have spoken to him without having researched the subject before, because I didn't know anything about it and I wouldn't have known the questions to ask (GQ).

Developing a better personal understanding also facilitated more focused information seeking with respect to online cuttings archives. A junior news journalist said:

It's a question of finding out key points ... and then using Lexis[2] to investigate them further. You can home in on a particular issue (RK).

On background information facilitating an informed interpretation, MG said:

It just puts the whole thing in context and enables you to interpret the latest story in the light of what's gone before ... But you don't always have that knowledge yourself, so you have to acquire it from somewhere else.

(Attfield, S. & Dowell, J. (2003). Information seeking and use by newspaper journalists. Journal of Documentation, 59(2), 87-204.)

Though everyone said that intradivision relationships were the key topic to address, the team could not agree on a goal for the retreat and spent the first half of its life describing and rejecting a series of ideas. Statements 1-3 of the following excerpt show how little concrete progress the team had made halfway through its calendar....

Excerpt 6 (E6). The hospital administrators hold their fifth meeting, in the sixth week of a 12-week span.

  1. Bernard (to Bill, just before the meeting): I'm gonna bring Tom [the division chief] to the next meeting, Bill. . . . Last time we were struggling like we are here - Tom [really helped] to sort things out . . . .
  2. Bernard (convening meeting): . . . I think we need to . . . brainstorm about [the program] - see what we might come up with, and bounce it off Tom next time. (He recaps an idea he brought to the previous meeting.)
  3. Sandra: We'd each be responsible for an hour of the program? As facilitators, or role playing - whatever we decided to do?
    (Later in the meeting, there was a dramatic shift in the discussion when Nancy described a management simulation program on the problems of middle managers, run by a consultant who worked nearby.)
  4. Sandra: If awareness is all that comes out of the day . . . I think that's a good - a reasonable goal.

(Gersick, C. J. G. (1988). Time and transition in work teams: Toward a new model of group development. The Academy of Management Journal, 31, 9-41)

Even long blocks of uninterrupted time were not recognized as opportunities for deep concentration because they were not designated as such ahead of time. Only in retrospect did engineers know that they just had an extended period of time to accomplish substantive individual work. As one engineer described, "I am constantly looking over my shoulder, fearing that someone is about to throw something at me." Another engineer explained, "Working on Saturdays is much more productive .... I can sit down and work without always worrying that something is about to sidetrack me."

(Perlow, L. A. (1999). The time famine: Toward a sociology of work time. Administrative Science Quarterly, 44(1) , 57-81.)

Engineers complained that crises continuously arose. From their perspective a crisis was anything that had to be done urgently, taking time away from the work that they would have "normally" done to make progress on their individual deliverables. One engineer explained, "Every Sunday night I used to make a 'to do' list for the week. By Monday morning I was already off schedule. I ended up feeling so bad about it, I just decided the list wasn't worth it." Another engineer complained, "I can hardly get my coat off before the crises start.... Every morning my priorities seem to shift."

(Perlow, L. A. (1999). The time famine: Toward a sociology of work time. Administrative Science Quarterly, 44(1) , 57-81.)

Factors will likely vary in degrees of importance and priority from institution to institution and department to department. It behooves the administration of any particular institution, college, or department to know who their graduate students are. The graduate students themselves are likely to appreciate it. In this current study, there was much positive feedback from the students in the department of Educational Leadership and Counseling who participated in the study. Their comments were indicative of their belief that the department and faculty were interested in connecting. The following are excerpts from those responses.

"I am so glad that I took the time to answer the survey questions. Those questions further reinforced my purpose for obtaining my master's degree. I hadn't been asked to think about how my family has influenced my decision to go back to school. Yes, they are constantly in the forefront of any decisions I make, but as I answered those questions, I was forced to evaluate what I am doing. Am I doing what's best for me and my family? How will obtaining a graduate level degree help me? The survey questions made me think about my values, my children and husband and parents, and what obtaining this degree will mean for my future and theirs as well. I also reflected on how important it has been for me to be taking these graduate classes with three of my colleagues. If it wasn't for them, I don't think I would be as focused or motivated to finish. They, along with my family, have become my driving force to accomplish this goal that I've had since I was 19 years old" (female graduate student).

"I feel very honored to get to voice my opinion on matters concerning grad school. I have had a very rewarding experience at TAMUK. I am a full time teacher and football coach and spend a lot of time on the job. TAMUK does their program in a way that my job and post graduate work can both win. I have never felt the courses I have taken have been a burden at all. Yes, they have taken some considerable time but it has always felt rewarding to do so. I have recommended this program to many others because of the great job your staff does" (male graduate student).

“As I am sure you already know, I believe the crucial factor in my success has been instructors that care, understand, and are involved with my education” (female graduate student).

"I just completed the survey. The content of the survey was important and made me feel like my opinions do matter to the university" (female graduate student).

"Throughout my graduate courses in which I have received a Master's in Early Childhood, completed all course work for a Master's in Administration (I just did not take the research classes) I have never sat down with an Advisor to take a look at a degree plan. Do not get me wrong I did have a degree plan signed and given to me although I just pretty much did it on my own. With the Counseling and Guidance I have felt a bit more supportive with my plan, and I can see that it is getting better" (female graduate student).

“After reading the consent to take the survey I was very pleased with the privacy and the reason behind the survey. As a graduate student it’s good to see professors trying to better things for the future students” (female graduate student).

While completing the survey I realized how much of an accomplishment is was for me to complete graduate school. At first it was something I wanted to do because it was the “next step.” I then realized that I wanted to do it for my family. I was the first in my family to complete college and so far have been the only one. I want to set higher standards for my children that way they can be successful as well. Most of the questions on the survey I had to strongly agree to. Family, religion, financial aid, professors, online/hybrid courses are just a few that really made graduating graduate school an attainable goal for me” (female graduate student).

(Bain, S., Fedynich, L. & Knight, M. (2009.) The successful graduate student: A review of the factors for success. Journal of Academic and Business Ethics, 3)

Quotation followed by interpretation

First Meeting and Phase 1

Almost immediately, in every team studied, members displayed the framework through which they approached their projects for the first half of their calendar time. Excerpts show the scope, variety, and nature of those frameworks.

Excerpt 1 (E1). A team of three graduate management students start their first, five-minute encounter to plan work on a group case assignment, defined by the professor as an organizational design problem.4

  1. Jack: We should try to read the [assigned] material.
  2. Rajeev: But this isn't an organizational design problem, it's a strategic planning problem.
  3. (Jack and Bert agree.)
  4. Rajeev: I think what we have to do is prepare a way of growth [for the client].
  5. (Nods, "yes" from Jack and Bert.)

Excerpt 1, representing less than one minute from the very start of a team's life, gives a clear view of the opening framework. The team's approach toward its organizational context (the professor and his requirements) is plain. The members are not going to read the material; they disagree with the professor's definition of the task and will define their project to suit themselves.

(Gersick, C. J. G. (1988). Time and transition in work teams: Toward a new model of group development. The Academy of Management Journal, 31, 9-41)

The follow-up interviews indicated that the six students felt that they had not only improved but also gained confidence in writing emails in English; these observations can be seen in the following accounts by Keiko and Eri:

[1] Before taking this class, I did not have opportunities to write emails in English. So I didn’t know what they looked like, and my vocabulary choices were quite limited. However, as I read and analyzed a variety of email samples in this writing class, I learned some guidelines to draw upon and was able to develop my vocabulary choices. The increasing choices allowed me to see email writing as very enjoyable and to become confident in writing in English. (Keiko)

[2] Because I had no tools to refer to for email writing, I was very much afraid of email-writing activities when this course started. However, as I learned a variety of contexts for using the words that I had already known, I realized that email writing is not as difficult as had first thought. Above all, I found it very interesting to get a response from the reader of my email about what I wrote. This inspired me to write more and communicate more without being afraid of making mistakes. (Eri)

Extracts [1] and [2] provide an interesting insight into the nature of confidence and its relation to genre knowledge development. Both students recognize benefits gained in relation to confidence, but they experience this benefit for different reasons. Keiko’s confidence was increased due to her improved knowledge of language choices, while Eri gained confidence due to her improved sense of audience. The results suggest that these types of benefits may not happen concurrently for the same individuals; the type of benefits received may depend on an individual’s approach to writing and the factors considered when completing the genre-based tasks.

(Yasuda, S. (20110. Genre-based tasks in foreign language writing: Developing writers’ genre awareness, linguistic knowledge, and writing competence. Journal of Second Language Writing, 20, 111–133.)

Excerpt 7 (E7). The following comes from an interview with the hospital team's leader:

He says "Do what you want. Spend what you want." Then he came to the damn meeting and was worried about money! Giving me mixed signals! That's when I decided, I'm gonna spend what I want and make my own decisions ... .

By the time the division chief met with the team, the decision to hire the facilitator - the largest expense - had already been made. It was "too late" to be "worried about money," and the team never checked its budget with the chief.

(Gersick, C. J. G. (1988).Time and transition in work teams: Toward a new model of group development. The Academy of Management Journal, 31, 9-41)

The following is a response to post 2, which clearly shows the “thesis-details” pattern:

  1. teacher is to intiate spirit for me, i think that teacher is to intiate spirit.We have learned so many years. Now we know the method to grasp knowledge and the criterion to found our own moral. What we really need is the spirit to bestir us forward, a spirit lead us to pursue science and truth (SABRINAR)

The respondent, SABRINAR, first states the main point in the subject line as well as in the beginning of the body text, “for me, I think that teacher is to intiate spirit.” Then the respondent explains the reasons why a teacher needs to kindle the spirit of intellectual pursuit in students.

(You, X. (2008). Rhetorical strategies, electronic media and China English. World Englishes, 27, 133-149)


I would not use public transport in the evening because the kids go to swimming and football which are miles apart (GD)

The bus is an extension of my social club really, all my friends are on the bus and we talk a lot, it’s also cheaper than getting a taxi to and from town you know (Interview 15).

When interviewing Mrs. Smith, she indicated how she handles her small business. (See Appendix A).

Using extracts to exemplify or support conclusions reached

The British respondents, by contrast, sought explanation of their Polish counterparts in the legacy of communism. Here is a British manager on the centralised nature of older Polish organisational structures:

In our company in Warsaw, where everyone has e-mail, fax, it’s very easy to communicate with everyone from the senior management to the shop floor. In the old state owned company there was only one fax in the office of the managing director, and everything had to go through him. We were trying to show that if it works well in 'Company I–Poland’ it could also work there [in Poznan] (I1_UK).

(Chapman, M., Gajewska-De Mattos, H., Clegg, J. & Buckley, P. J. (2008). Close neighbours and distant friends: Perceptions of cultural distance. International Business Review, 17, 217–234.)


In the critique that Gabrielle had written, she had cited many of the sources listed as recommended readings in the course outline. Gabrielle explained:

We were also going to present our critiques to the class as a whole, and I wanted to be prepared for the questions that the professor or other students might ask. I also wanted to show that I had actually put time into the paper and read more than what everybody else had read in the course pack. (Gabrielle’s interview, March 2004).

(Abasi, A.R., Akbari, N. & Graves, B. (2006). Discourse appropriation, construction of identities, and the complex issue of plagiarism: ESL students writing in graduate school. Journal of Second Language Writing, 15, 102–117.)


Many teachers, for instance, felt that reading published EAP research was not a priority, as they were interested in and committed to engagement with research in their original disciplinary area (i.e., TESOL). Other reasons that limited their reading of EAP research were the lack of time, issues of access, and perceived lack of relevance of research to the teachers’ own contexts. This was evident in the following comments from Phase One of the study:

Recently, research topics have become so narrowly focused and specialized that I do not see how they can be used to inform practice (T36).

I have had a lot of problems applying the findings of EAP papers to my practice. They [i.e., academic researchers] are not familiar with the problems we face in the Iranian context. Instead, I generally rely on EAP textbooks to gain ideas for my teaching (T74).

(Bahrami, V., Hosseini, M. & Atai, M. R. (2019). Exploring research-informed practice in English for academic purposes: A narrative study. English for Specific Purposes, 54, 152-165.)

Drawing conclusions from interview extracts

Excerpt 7 (E7). The following comes from an interview with the hospital team's leader:

He says "Do what you want. Spend what you want." Then he came to the damn meeting and was worried about money! Giving me mixed signals! That's when I decided, I'm gonna spend what I want and make my own decisions ... .

By the time the division chief met with the team, the decision to hire the facilitator - the largest expense - had already been made. It was "too late" to be "worried about money," and the team never checked its budget with the chief.

(Gersick, C. J. G. (1988).Time and transition in work teams: Toward a new model of group development. The Academy of Management Journal, 31, 9-41)

Combining Quotations

Participants supporting each other

Looking for information to support an angle was often expressed as the task of looking for supporting facts and figures. CJ said:

My job is to look into it to see whether their [the editor’s] ideas are right, or if they have got the right end of the stick, and to try and find enough facts and evidence to backup their idea.

Furthermore, QL, a features writer, said:

... you’re then all the time sifting the facts to see whether they’ll go into that scheme (the angle).

(Attfield, S. & Dowell, J. (2003). Information seeking and use by newspaper journalists. Journal of Documentation, 59(2), 87-204.)


A science correspondent described the importance of background research in preparation for an interview:

I certainly wouldn’t like to have spoken to him without having researched the subject before, because I didn’t know anything about it and I wouldn’t have known the questions to ask (GQ).

Developing a better personal understanding also facilitated more focused information seeking with respect to online cuttings archives. A junior newsjournalist said:

It’s a question of finding out key points . . . and then using Lexis[2] to investigate them further. You can home in on a particular issue (RK).

On background information facilitating an informed interpretation, MG said:

It just puts the whole thing in context and enables you to interpret the latest story in the light of what’s gone before . . . But you don’t always have that knowledge yourself, so you have to acquire it from somewhere else.

(Attfield, S. & Dowell, J. (2003). Information seeking and use by newspaper journalists. Journal of Documentation, 59(2), 87-204.)


Ignatius developed this schema further, probably drawing on the same biology lessons but also referring to what he had seen in the countryside around his home. His written response was, “Hybrids are some kinds of plant that need insects for their fertilization and which are planted by birds,” and when we talked about it, he proffered this explanation:

Because I have seen some plants hanging on other like cactus. I once saw it in a position it was not supposed to be. I asked someone and he tell me maybe a bird plant the seed. . . . It was on a baobab tree.

Gregory, too, developed a rich interpretation from this schema, as he told me during his interview:

Hybrids are those trees that resulted from the seed being carried away or being planted. . . . I am differentiating it from those that are being cut before planting . . . though I don’t know the meaning of this hybrid. I just derive the meaning from the passage.

(Parry, K. (1996). Culture, literacy, and L2 reading. TESOL Quarterly, 30(4), 665-692)

Participants disagreeing with each other or changing over time

When asked about their satisfaction with their accommodation, Student A pointed out:

My accommodation is very nice, It is clean and warm and I have easy access to all the facilities I need..

Whereas, Student B disagreed:

I am not very happy with the accommodation. It is small, the facilities are at the end of the corridor and it is never cleaned.


Students also reported experiencing some confusion about what they were learning in the genre-based writing class, including precisely what to focus on to improve their writing skills, which showed their initial lack of independence as L2 writers.

I had no idea about how to write in this class. It was too challenging for me. (…) The language exam we take in school consists of multiple choice questions, which has its answer. However, writing doesn’t have just one right answer so that is why many students are confused and consider writing difficult. (Case 75, week 2)

However, even though they admitted having difficulties in writing, they were actively seeking for ways in which to improve their ability to write and their capacity for self-regulation.

It was helpful to learn about how to organize my writing based on the structure of the recount genre. It helps my thoughts be organized. (…) And I also felt like reading examples of this kind of writing because I that way I can learn various expressions through reading that will help me write better. (Case 13, week 3)

(Han, J. & Hiver, P. (2018). Genre-based L2 writing instruction and writing-specific psychological factors: The dynamics of change. Journal of Second Language Writing, 40, 44-59)

A dialogue

Shirley and the others were preparing for bed. "Don't forget to wash up," said Gretchen [one of the staff persons at the shelter] . Shirley exploded, "I'm 53 years old!" she shouted. "I have children older than you, and I don't need you to tell me to wash up before going to bed." Having gotten started, Shirley couldn't stop. She denounced Gretchen and the shelter staff for purposely demeaning the women as part of their effort to control them, and continued along these lines until - perhaps to force them to prove her point - she was expelled for the night.

(Liebow, E. (1993). Tell them who I am: The lives of homeless women. London: Penguin. - cited in Yin (2011, p. 236)

Putting it all together

Where did they get that meaning from? Four students claimed that they knew the word, so presumably they were drawing on memory. The problem in this case was that their memories were either inexact or downright wrong. An example of the former is Anthony’s written answer, “Plants different species and parents,” for which he did not get a point; however, when asked to explain further, he showed that he did know something of what he was talking about, for he said that hybrids were “the same plants, but they have different parent - their genus but different species.” Benjamin and Ferdinand seem to have had a similar problem, producing, respectively, “Hybrid is plant or animal of different kinds” and “Hybrids are the offspring of plants or animals”; each seems to have remembered only part of the definition and to have been content to use that as a basis for interpretation. The fourth student in this group was Jacob, who got into even worse trouble, for he seems to have equated hybrid with parasite. His written answer to the question was “They are many in number which have been cultivated but only few are been fertilized and the stupid and useless ones are hybrids. Hybrids are plants or young plants.” During his interview he asserted, “I know it [the word]. I found in agriculture textbook. They are plants that grow on the parents . . . that is . . . just the same thing as parasite,” and, in defiance of the assertion in the passage that many hybrids “have been developed .... by horticulturalists,” he told me, “You can’t make a hybrid...because you can’t plant it, Miss - the thing only develop itself.”

(Parry, K. (1996). Culture, literacy, and L2 reading. TESOL Quarterly, 30(4), 665-692)



Most of the time, the extracts from the accounts that you quote will be used to provide evidence for your stance or claims.

However, you can also:

NB: But do NOT use quotations to make your points. Use your own words for that.


Reporting - Paraphrasing and Summarising

Reporting interviews uses paraphrase and summary to acknowledge the participant's. You can extract and summarise important points, while at the same time making it clear from whom and where you have got the ideas you are discussing and what your point of view is. Compare, for example:

Participant 1 claims that a far more effective approach is ...
Participant 1 points out that a far more effective approach is ...
A far more effective approach is ... (Participant 1)

The first one is the participant's point of view with no indication about your point of view. The second one is the participant's point of view, which you agree with, and the third is your point of view, which is supported by Participant 1.

Here are some more expressions you can use to refer to someone's words that you are going to paraphrase, summarise or quote:

According to GC ...

It is the view of Customer 1 that ...

The opinion of the manger that ...

X has expressed a similar view.

X reports that ...

The director notes that ...

X states that ...

X observes that ...

X concludes that ...

X argues that ...

 If  the speaker generally agrees with your line of argument:.

Participant 1 indicates that ...

Participant 1 reveals that ...

Participant 1 shows that ...

Turning to Participant 1, one finds that ...

Reference to Participant 1 reveals that ...

In Interview 1, GC stated that ...

As GC points out, ...

As GC perceptively states, ...

As GC has indicated, ...

GC has drawn attention to the fact that ...

GC correctly argues that ...

GC rightly points out that ...

GC makes clear that ...

If  the speaker disagrees with or does not support your line or argument:.

GC claims that ...

GC states erroneously that ...

The words of GC assert that ...

GC feels that ...

If you want to report that one interview participant agrees with or adds to what another participant says.

GC accepts that ...

Participant GC agrees with participant BF that ...

GC concurs with BF that ...

GC and BF are in agreement ...

GC is in agreement with BF ...

GC holds a similar view to BF ...

GC supports BF in that ...

Both GC and BF ....

Neither GC nor BF ...


GC, in addition, claimed that ...

Furthermore, GC ...

What is more, GC ...

Similarly, GC argued that...

Similar comments were made by GC, who said that ...

If you want to report that one participant argues against or disagrees with what another participant says.

The thoughts of GC contradict ...

GC criticises BF ...

GC's opinion differs from BF ...

However, BF does not support GC's argument that ...

The ideas of GC disagree with those of BF that ...

Turning to BF, one finds that ...

Some participants, however, pointed out that ...

In contrast participant GC noted that ...

On the other hand, GC concluded that ...


Sometimes you may want to quote an interviewee's words exactly, not paraphrase them. If you decide to quote directly from am interviewee, you will need an expression to introduce it and quotation marks will need to be used:

As X said/says, "... ..."

As X stated/states, "... ..."

As X wrote/writes, "... ..."

As X commented/comments, "... ..."

As X observed/observes, "... ..."

As X pointed/points out, "... ..."

To quote from X, "... ..."

It was X who said that "... ..."

This example is given by X: "... ..."

According to X, "... ..."

X claims that, "... ..."

The opinion of X is that, "... ..."

In all cases, make sure the speaker is identified (with a pseudonym, of course).


After quoting evidence you reach a conclusion:

The evidence seems to indicate that...

It must therefore be recognised that...

The indications are therefore that...

It is clear therefore that ...

Thus it could be concluded that...

The evidence seems to be strong that...

On this basis it may be inferred that...

Given this evidence, it can be seen that...

Further details

You can use quotations to evaluate your others' points of view.

See:Writing Functions 12: Evaluating

You can use quotations to justify the present or further work by indicating a gap.

See: Writing Functions 19: Indicating a Gap

When you are working with other people's ideas, you will compare and contrast the different ideas and your own, discussing advantages and disadvantages.

See: Writing Functions 13: Comparing

You will need to summarise other people's ideas, combine them and come to conclusions.

See: Writing Reporting Synthesis

In most cases, the conclusions you come to and the points of view you hold will be qualified and generalisations will be made.

See: Writing Functions 14: Generalising

You may also have different degrees of certainty about your claims.

See: Writing Functions 15: Certainty

You can use quotations to provide evidence to support your points of view and conclusions.

See: Writing Functions 18: Supporting

One thing that you learn in higher education is how to analyse. It is an essential part of writing critically. You can analyse quotations.

See: Writing Functions 17: Analysis

You can use quotations as examples or illustrations to support your conclusions.

See: Writing Functions 8: Examples

And you will always give reasons and explanations for your claims and points of view. Quotations can be used.

See: Writing Functions 16: Reasons

At various stages during your writing, you will need to sum up your argument and come to a conclusion about your quotations.

See: Writing Functions 23: Concluding


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