Grammar in EAP

Nominal Groups: Order of modifiers

Correct the order of the premodifiers in the following paragraph:

One of the known least aspects of British planning for the postwar world relates to the field of civil aviation. The British realized during the war years that they could never reap the benefits of the postwar expected boom in civil international aviation without a national coherent programme that would enable Britain to compete on equal terms with the United States. This issue was first raised as early as 1941, and by 1943~4 had become a subject of major concern for the British government, aware that unless rules were laid down in advance, the United States would use its enormous wealth, industrial undamaged capability, and the advantages obtained during the war years to drive Britain and other countries off the air international routes. As one authority has put it, 'competition for air routes, services and traffic was not unlike the "scramble" for Africa in the late 19th century'. In 1943~4, the British attempted to devise a Commonwealth approach to civil aviation policy as a way of countering US influence. Civil aviation, along with monetary and tariff policies, control over Middle East oil, and the continuation of Britain's rubber trade, was a subject of Anglo-American considerable rivalry in terms of protectionism versus competition that was not resolved until the postwar period. This conflict was a symptom of Britain's relative decline as a world power, and was characterized by its attempts to retain something of its former position through the Commonwealth and Empire. This article suggests that the British hoped to create an civil international aviation environment favourable to their interests, but were unable to do so because of American opposition. They also embarked on an national ambitious scheme that was designed to place Britain at the forefront of the postwar aviation civil market.


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