Proof-reading: Correct form of word


Choose the correct word form in each case in the following text, then press "Check" to check your answers.

In years, there has been a of research concerned with the and of eyewitness reports. This research has documented the of a number of variables of which one of the most and powerful is to postevent , which includes all related to which a person is exposed after witnessing an event. Loftus and Palmer (1974) reported that the of questions asked a witness could affect the report of details of that event. Subjects viewed films of automobile and were quizzed about the speeds at which the vehicles involved were . Speed varied with the verb used in the sentence. , estimates of the magnitude of speed were altered when the verbs smashed, collided, bumped, hit, and contacted were employed. These verbs were interpreted as different degrees of contact and caused the different estimates. Similar results have been obtained by the adverb employed (Lipscomb, Bregman, & McAllister, in press). Loftus and Palmer have argued that these effects are the result of an of the memory of the witnessed event produced by the introduction of postevent . Although such an is consistent with available data, so too is a somewhat more parsimonious